Friday, February 22, 2008

Encrusted Sin

Recently, I had made a huge pot of Black Bean Chicken Chili (a family favorite) for some friends. I had not watched it carefully enough after having added the sharp cheddar cheese, and thus was left with a bit of a messy pan to clean. You know how it is with some pots where it cooked onto the bottom a bit more than you would have wanted, knowing it would take great effort to get it back to its original shape!!!?? Spic and Span clean??? Well, this was one of those times.

And while I was leaning over the sink, scrubbing for longer than I wanted or intended, God began to speak to me in that still small voice about my sin. It was not in an accusatory nor condemning voice.......the enemy of our souls does that.........not my Redeemer and Friend. But, He reminded me of how stubborn some of my sins are that have some residue left in the "bottom" of my life. It takes some real work to loosen the dirt of them. It is those ones that others may not notice so much, but I know that they are there..........selfishness, irritations, rationalizations, procrastinations, and even wastefulness. "The little foxes that spoil the vine", hindering true spiritual growth where there otherwise would be if those stubborn spots were gone.

So, I agreed with the LORD, about my dirty heart and proceeded to go about the business of being washed clean by the water of the Word and the blood of Jesus that cleanses me from ALL sin. I love that He doesn't overlook the stuff that is "stuck and harder to get off", but patiently speaks to me at my kitchen sink, or wherever it is that I am in need of some "pot scrubbing"!


shanna said...

This has brought me a great deal of encouragement. I just love you!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I thought that once when I was scrubbing a pan too! How loving of Christ to use a modern day parable to teach you. Is that "The Parable of the Pan?"

Shellie said...

You are such an encouragement to me. I love how open, honest and raw you are. I admire you and desire to be like you when I grow up.
I love you!

Stacey said...

Good post! Rachel pointed me in your direction after I posted about an attack from the accuser. I've certainly been convicted like you're talking about, too! However, I have been dealing with a frontal attack from the sneering tattle-tale. I'm glad my Father is all-powerful and can look at him and say, "That's been taken care of."