Monday, November 23, 2009

What To Do?

I have just in the last 12 hours read/heard about the Manhattan Declaration. When it comes to me so forthrightly in two separate ways, I really try to pay attention. The first time was enough, I thought, and has made me prayerful about my place in it all. But, just now, I happened to have 30 minutes free in the car and listened to Chuck Colson on Focus on the Family with James Dobson.

So, I put this on Facebook just now, but I realized some of you are not on it and might want to know. Many of us are really concerned about the direction our country is heading and yet wonder "What can I do?"....."What should I do?".....which is really "God, what do You want me to do, if anything?" For me, this new information has given me food for thought, especially after listening to Chuck clarify some things.

I invite you to read through this document and listen to the discussion. Then talk to God about what He would have you to do.

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