Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trusting God

Last night I was privileged to sit in on an interesting discussion about "Trusting God". Truly, conversations like that are "holy" moments, times of sanctuary = "set apart" times for reflection and soul-searching. So often our conversations are so frivolous and shallow, really without much thought or eternal value, even, dare I say, sinful???!!! By that I mean, not "holy", nor edifying, nor glorifying to God and His character.

As I thought about all of this, in the wee hours of the morning when the thunder jolted me from my dead sleep, a reminder of a lesson I learned years ago through a near-death car wreck. Shortly after we had arrived home from CA.......which is where we were headed when we had the wreck in AZ, having been left for dead by a "hit-and-run" 18-wheeler....I found myself, sitting with my journal in hand, asking the LORD to teach me about trusting Him more fully and how will I know what is important and what is not!!! In a non-audible voice, He spoke to me. (Now please, don't freak out....I am not talking about latter day revelations or visions, but just that still small voice of my Shepherd lovingly guiding me into His way of the green pastures!!)

Anyway, two questions came to my mind that would help me to know whether what i was doing was of Him (and thus important) or of self (and not so important). 1)Does this glorify God? and 2) Will this last forever? If the answer to one or both is "No"... then why do it?

So, I began to ask myself those questions about almost everything I was doing. "What about cleaning toilets?" "What about doing laundry?" "How about exercising?" and on and on it went for me. How do I answer those questions with the mundane? Well, in this whole "trusting God" issue the topic of obedience came up and how it relates to trusting God, glorifying Him, etc. And it was suggested that it is a matter of the heart. So, yes, cleaning toilets, doing laundry, exercising, witnessing or even journaling can glorify Him and thus last forever!! His glory is forever and we get to participate in that as we trust and obey!! What a privilege!!


shanna said...

I have this same inner struggle...only I am always asking myself "Is what I am doing loving God and loving people...if not is it necessary and does it have eternal value?" I am glad to know my mind is not the only one's who works this way :) Love you!

Unknown said...

I can hear the hymn being sung now, ....when we walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word....

Cute pictures on your blog, btw!