Wednesday, April 30, 2008



Evolution is a FACT, there is not a shred of evidence for intelligent design, a total incompatibility between God and science, It could be that life (by Darwinian means) could have “designed” a form of life that was “seeded”…you might find a sign of some “design . . .” Richard Dawkins

Some assorted quotes from the movie “EXPELLED” follow (as best as remembered): Creation of the earth= Lighting and the energy “managed to arrange” molecules for the primordial soup. Molecules “piggybacked” onto crystals and opened the way for natural selection from simple to complex….and a chance for life to arise on its own. Religion is the cause of all terrorism. The teaching of Intelligent Design would stunt educational growth. Why should we eliminate a possible Creator? What about academic freedom? If you want a piece of the pie you must be a good comrade. Core view (Evolution) doesn’t tolerate or allow dissent. You can’t question the paradigm (Darwinism evolution). Open mindedness is not allowed. There is a fear of unraveling Darwinism. There is incredible complexity, but this can’t be discussed openly. Is Darwinian evolution adequate for what we see? Darwin didn’t have the microscopic element to SEE the vast complexity. There is a full frontal attack on religion….religion gets the wrong answer (God), one of them has to win, and it has to be science. Freedom is the essence of America. Freedom is what makes America great. Why do we not have the freedom to follow the evidence where ever it leads? There is more academic freedom in Poland than the U. S. A. Keep science in the box where God is NOT allowed. Truth will rise again….No lie can last forever.

Hopefully many of you will take advantage of the opportunity to see this documentary about the incredible controversy about even the possibility that Intelligent Design exists in our universe, and that you will realize the incredible fight that is going on for basically TRUTH. We are so “politically correct” that we are losing (have lost) our basic freedoms. Universities and colleges are NOT the marketplaces for free exchange of ideas, but rather the indoctrination factories of our children for one view only, the Atheistic Marxist view. Pilot asked in John 18:38 “What is Truth?” We still, in our enlightened 21st century cannot seem to figure that out. We are seeing a fulfillment of I Timothy 4 and II Timothy 3, and II Peter 3. Perhaps the greatest encouragement to Christians at this particular time in history is the confidence of knowing that God will get His job done, with or without us, He is pleased to use us as we are available, but HE is the ONE who overcomes the power of sin and death: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (Comments from Dr. Jobe Martin...Biblical Discipleship Ministries)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you go see it? We saw it a couple of weeks ago. Pretty cool that Biola was the first stop, huh? I thought it was very well done!