Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Reformation Takes Time

Last week Monty and I watched "John Adams", an HBO mini-series,htthttp://www.hbo.com/films/johnadams/p:// that Ty and Kaylyn gave to us. We highly recommend it to all, as we thoroughly enjoyed the great presentation of the formulation of the United States of America.

One of the statements that John wrote to his beloved wife Abigail was: "Not having you in my life would be the ruination of me." She was such a godly wife with great wisdom and grace, well-deserving of such recognition by John. He wisely sought her counsel and listened to her insights, benefitting from her perceptions over and over.

It was a challenge to me in my relationship with Monty..........that I would be a grace-filled woman who wisely counsels him because of having Jesus in my life. I took John's statement to Abigail and thought about my relationship with the LORD and that "Not having HIM in my life would be the ruination of me!!!!" What I have to offer my husband is only as deep as my commitment to the LORD Jesus and His Word.

One other interesting thing in watching this series was the insights into the character of Thomas Jefferson and of Benjamin Franklin. I mentioned in my post the other day about reading Rosenberg's wonderful book, Inside the Revolution. Well, the correlation between the reformers in the American Revolution and the movement of the Muslim Reformers Rosenberg explains so well in his book is thought-provoking. Reform takes time. Let me whet your appetite for an interesting read with the following quote from the book (pg 217).

"What is so fascinating and compelling to me about this movement of Reformers is that while they see the world through the lens of the Qur'an--whether for religious reasons or merely cultural ones--they simultaneously agree with Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in America's Declaration of Independence that all people have been 'endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'"

I will stop there and just encourage you to get the book and be amazed at what God is doing!!! (This is not a paid commercial!!!!!)

INSIDE THE REVOLUTION Inside the Revolution takes you inside the winner-take-all battle for the hearts, minds and souls of the people of the Middle East. It includes never-before-seen profiles of the Radicals, the Reformers, and the Revivalists. It explains the implications of each movement and the importance of each leader – not only through the lenses of politics and economics but through the third lens of Scripture as well. Today, wars and revolutions define the modern Middle East, and many believe the worst is yet to come.

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