Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Inventories

The inventory listed immediately below is the one I try to which I actually type out my answers and keep in my journal. Another one by Henry Blackaby is one I will read through and pray about, but I don't ususally write answers down. It is also listed below.

Personal Inventory for January of each year!!

Who were the most stimulating people in my life (and why)?

What was my most meaningful spiritual experience?

What were my most significant family moments?

What was the biggest contributor to my personal growth?

What was the biggest blunder I committed?

What caused my greatest sadness?

What was my greatest joy?

What was my best marriage moment this year?

What is my fondest memory with each of my children?

What friend moment will I cherish the most?

For what am I most thankful this year?

What one answer to prayer really blew me away?

This one is Blackaby's
Did you take time to carefully and thoroughly inventory not only the events of the past year, but also how you lived your life through those events??

Mediate on the following questions:

Did I gain a heart of wisdom as I passed through this last year?

Am I a better person?

Am I a wiser person?

What consequences have resulted in my life, and the lives of others, from the decisions I made?

Did I learn through tragedy?

Did I invest in the lives of others?

Was I a good steward of what came to me this past year?

What happened in my family this past year?

Have I gained greater maturity toward Christlikeness?

Did I gain a greater knowledge of God through the Scriptures?

Did my prayer life grow deeper with God?

Did I clearly help my church?

Did I become more effective as a Christian in my workplace?

Am I walking more confidently in God’s will for my life?

Have I positioned myself to even greater heights for the coming year?

If you answered “no” or “I am not sure” to any of these questions, then you need to ask yourself, “Why?”
Why did this past year not measure up to God’s desired will for my life?
Why did I not seek God with all my heart?
Why did I not grow as a Christian?
Was I self-centered instead of God centered?
Are there sinful habits that need to be removed from my life?
If so, ask God to do so.

Will you allow God to move you from where you are now to where He wants you to be in the coming year?

From Henry Blackaby’s “Measuring the worth of a year”

1 comment:

shanna said...

wow I am so excited about this. I am going to print it and use it in my quiet time next week...thank you!